3 Great Spots for Our Realistic Artificial Flowers

You already know that House of Silk Flowers is your source for the best artificial flowers available anywhere. We pride ourselves on making high quality artificial flowers that people are proud to display in their homes. One of the comments we get the most often is that “they just look so real!” We’re thrilled that you love them and in today’s blog, we’re going to take a look at five of the best spots for you to proudly display our quality silk flowers.
In Your Bedroom
If you’re anything like us, there’s a big chance that your bedroom doesn’t get much light. Perhaps you’ve tried displaying plants in your bedroom before, but found that the lack of light makes it hard to keep the plant happy and healthy, so back out into the sun filled living room it goes! Here at House of Silk Flowers, we think that bedrooms are a great place for a large silk floral arrangement.
It’s never a bad idea to bring a piece of the outdoors inside to use as part of your home décor, but when indoor conditions make that a challenge, faux botanicals are the answer!
In Your Kitchen
A kitchen is the perfect place to proudly display our silk plants and flowers. It brings a bit of life into a space that often feels like it’s reserved for decorations that are a little less organic and a lot more…well, sterile. That’s okay, but bringing in something that’s green can bring a whole new life to your space.
When you need to kick it up a notch (BAM!) in the kitchen, but don’t want to have to remember to water the plants, grab a couple of the best artificial flowers on the planet from House of Silk Flowers.
In Your Office
This one is a bit of a curveball, but think about your workspace for a second. Whether that’s a desk in a home office or a cubicle downtown, there’s a good chance that it could use a bit of help. Sure, it’s the perfect place to display pictures of your loved ones and your favorite coffee mug, but it’s also prime real estate for our faux silk flowers.
You don’t need to have a large amount of space to make this one work. Just clear off a section of your desk, pick a little something out from our online store, and enjoy all of the benefits of looking at our beautiful faux botanicals while you work without the hassle of having to water them.
High Quality Realistic Artificial Flowers
Here at House of Silk Flowers, we’re proud of what we offer. Our realistic artificial flowers look great no matter where you choose to display them! Browse our collections to find the piece that works best for you, place your order, proudly display it, and then forget about it! Well, mostly anyway. Just make sure you check out the care and use page for helpful tips on how to make sure our high quality silk flowers look great for many years to come.